First Impressions
Whether we are dressing for a first date, a job interview, an important meeting or simply going about our daily lives, having a strong personal image can boost confidence, enhance first impressions, and open doors to new opportunities in both personal and professional life.
It’s about aligning your style with your personality, lifestyle and goals
With my expertise, you will learn how to:
Choose colours that will make you look your best
Find styles that suit your shape
Find your unique style personality
Put together outfits for different occasions
Mix and match items together to get the most out of what you already own
Shop in a way that saves you time and money and is more sustainable
Choose styles and fabrics that suit your lifestyle
Find key missing pieces that will create more flexibility in your wardrobe
Decide which pieces to keep and remove from your wardrobe
Dress strategically for success
Discovery Call
Free 15 minute call to discuss or ask questions about our services, so you can decide if they are right for you.
Which colour analysis system do you use?
We use the Absolute Colour System, which is the most accurate and up to date colour system in the world. The old “Seasons” system contained many gaps, leaving some skin tones unaccounted for. There are 18 colour palettes in the ACS system, covering every skin tone and complexion.
Do your services cover men as well as women?
Yes, absolutely. The exact same principles apply to men in both colour and styling.